Research Companies
We help Research Companies attain accurate, informed and data driven answers.
Our data provides true insight into human behaviour.
Humans Make Errors
Surveys are great, but not in every case. Sometimes humans make errors, or understate or overstate something to fit into the 'normal' range.
Phone use is the perfect example, people do not actually know how much time they spend on their phones, ask them and they will get it very wrong.
Our data is collected live from mobile devices across the world. This is the most accurate phone usage and app usage data available. We collect information directly from the phone, not through machine learning or data traffic. Our accuracy cannot be questioned.
Competitive Intelligence
Companies have great insights on their own app users, and little to none on their competitors.
We can help you to provide real insights, not machine learning, we use real collected data to accurately help you:
- Determine app market shares
- App open rates and average session times
- Market share (or opens and usage time share) rolling over days, weeks or months
- Installation percentage across age ranges and against competitors

Of course there is a lot more that we can do, all data can be split by any single or combination of:
- Location (country or city)
- Age
- Gender
- Phone brand and device
- Mobile network carrier
- By users that have any selected app installed

All are ideal for one-off research reports or for monthly tracking work.
Demographic Behaviours
Provide amazing insight into demographic behaviors and patterns. Report on your clients users, what they do, how they behave and determine how to target.
Track competitors usage, work out how to target them or what their behavioural differences are.

With over 90 reports we work with you to provide your clients informative insights complete with your branding.
Create Additional Revenue Streams
Drive revenue with data not previously available. Provide insights that help you win pitches, retain clients and create loyalty.
Complete with your branding, we sit in the background and help drive your reports and insights using our data.
If you are not using Zafty you are missing an ever important piece of the puzzle.
Get in touch and let us help you with a project, demonstrate our value and how we assist.
You have nothing to lose, but much to gain.