
Passive Health Monitoring
Our groundbreaking technology can passively monitor mental health. Enabling proactive intervetion and assistance.
Zafty is a behavioral intelligence company that has created a passive health monitoring tool with a focus on Mental Health.

How? Well it is simple but complex at the same time. People spend 3.5 hours per day on their phones: what can you tell about a person if you knew every app they opened, what they did on their phone, how long they used it for? A Lot.

Intelligent analysis of this data can can provide insights to behaviours and patterns like never before.

We have spent 2 years fine tuning our proprietary data collection technology with AntiSocial App and tested this with over 1.000,000 users. Having collected and analysed over 5 billion data points we have now released an additional research tool with a feedback loop.

How does this work? Through a simple app we baseline users behaviour for 4 weeks. We then monitor for deviation from these behaviours with trigger points that will suggest a range of outcomes. This might be a PTSD events, physical illness (concussion) or depression.

We cannot tell you what exactly we monitor, or what our algorithms look for, this that is our core IP.

We have packaged our technology into and SDK and this is available for licence from third parties.
The primary focus is to help people, to give them a tool that passively alerts others that someone should be contacted or reached out to when early indications of a mental health event are present.

Our behavioural intelligence platform is used in a range of applications to provide proactive assistance and better health outcomes.
Our core technology is passive mental health monitoring. Data collection runs through an AI engine and monitors for micro pattern deviations. The AI watches for key metrics that indicate a mental health event.
Oncology Treatment
Between appointments clinicians have a blind spot as to patient wellbeing and recovery. Zafty fills the data gap, monitors for recovery and alerts the clinician when something is off track.
Clinical Trial Software
Our technology enhances Clinical Trials with additional data points, reporting dashboards, prompts, alerts and feedback questions. All in a simple reporting package.
We help with speed to market and side affect indentification.
Problem Gamblers
In partnership with Kindred we tailored our technology to monitor and alert problem gamblers. Giving them the ability to limit access, block apps and get personal prompts to help reduce their gambling.
Our Partners
We have partnered with the following organizations.
Zafty Apps
All of our applications run from our core platform, data collection, data storage, AI engine and data interrogation.

We can customise and white label products to suite your requirements.
Research Depth
Users across 141 Countries, 6 Languages, 3,245,919 locations
Mobile apps actively tracked
App Opens Tracked
Data points collected
A Little More Information
Stealth Mode
Until recently we did not speak of what we did, we toiled away get the tech, and algorithms working and conducting research. Along the way we discovered some amazing behavioral insights over the last 4 years.
We have secured a contract for primary research in PTSD and proactive intervention. This could be a game changer for us and sufferers of PTSD.
Now that we are public with our efforts are always open to partners who understand our end goal and want to help. If this is you please feel free to get in touch.
Research Data Collection
We provide our technology to Universities with anonymised data to assist with any research that is being conducted. We have worked with NYU, Stanford and Oxford in the past.
Data Volume
Our goal is to solve a complex problem through data analysis. Data is the key, the more data the faster we complete our work. If you want to help please get in contact.
Contact Us
Want to know more? Get in contact with us.
How Zafty Works